My little Milli was attacked by a cougar last month, in my front yard in the evening.
This was just 10 days after I lost my mother, which is it's own post on my other blog, Jan's Place.
We live in the country, and in a moment of time (in the dark of night) the predator took her to the 5 acre partial behind ours.
My other corgi Oscar, led me the direction she was taken. With his escalated barking for her, and my continued calling and scanning with a flashlight in the direction I thought she was, she slowly crawled out of the heavy swampy woods. She was in heavy shock and severely injured.
I think it is a miracle that I was even able to get her back.
We rushed her to the emergency vet, to try to save her. Milli was hurt so horribly that after taken into surgery, they could not save her.
I needed to provide this information, as this is a special post for me... Milli was a very special little dog.
Please see Camera Critters for other critter posts.
This was just 10 days after I lost my mother, which is it's own post on my other blog, Jan's Place.
We live in the country, and in a moment of time (in the dark of night) the predator took her to the 5 acre partial behind ours.
My other corgi Oscar, led me the direction she was taken. With his escalated barking for her, and my continued calling and scanning with a flashlight in the direction I thought she was, she slowly crawled out of the heavy swampy woods. She was in heavy shock and severely injured.
I think it is a miracle that I was even able to get her back.
We rushed her to the emergency vet, to try to save her. Milli was hurt so horribly that after taken into surgery, they could not save her.
I needed to provide this information, as this is a special post for me... Milli was a very special little dog.
Please see Camera Critters for other critter posts.