Sunday, May 30, 2010

Macro Monday

For Macro Monday...on Sunday, a common sight in Maui...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday...the Haleakala Visitor Center

For Shadow Shot Sunday, I must admit I thought of this shadow specifically when I took the picture, some 9600 feet up this volcano on Maui!

Camera Critters

A little chicken looking for a handout at an old church's parking lot in Maui...

For Camera Critters.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Skywatch Friday... Maui Sunset in April

I have been out of the loop due to family concerns, I am hoping to be back more on a regular basis!

For Skywatch Friday.. a shot I got last month while my sister and I had stolen a week in Maui ( you know, heaven on earth :)

For Find Me Friday...

I could not resist using this for "Find Me Friday" as I am sure this little guy does want to be found!

Thanks for coming by...oh my!

World Map

All images are the possession of Mt Forest Pictures, please do not use without permission, thank you!
